Advocates & Conselors
What is A Taxation ?
As a law firm committed to providing high-quality services, we offer comprehensive solutions in the field of taxation, covering tax compliance and tax dispute resolution. In the legal realm, taxation is not just a matter of payment obligations but also a regulatory mechanism that requires a deep understanding of tax law and related regulations.
Our Services Include:
Tax Compliance Consultation: We assist clients in ensuring compliance with applicable tax regulations at both local and national levels. This includes the preparation and submission of Income Tax Returns (SPT) for both monthly and annual filings, as well as the management of Value Added Tax (VAT) and other taxes.
Tax Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute with tax authorities, we provide representation and assistance in resolving tax disputes, both through administrative proceedings with the Directorate General of Taxes and in the Tax Court.
Tax Planning: We help clients develop tax strategies to minimize risks and optimize tax obligations within the legal framework. By keeping abreast of the latest tax regulations, we offer the best solutions tailored to your business needs.
Legal Framework for Taxation
The tax system in Indonesia is governed by several key laws, including:
- Income Tax Law (PPh), which regulates the taxation of income earned by individuals and entities.
- Value Added Tax (VAT) Law, which imposes taxes on the sale of goods and services.
- General Provisions and Tax Procedures Law (KUP), which governs the administrative procedures and legal enforcement in taxation.
Whatever your legal needs, WWP Lawfirm is ready to provide the best solution!
Contact us via WhatsApp which is connected to various channels, and enjoy fast and reliable legal services
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